RWT sent by WOLF/IP
expired 3 months ago
A civil authority has issued A REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST for the following counties or areas: Whitman; Stevens; Spokane; Pend Oreille; Lincoln; Garfield; Ferry; Columbia; Asotin; Adams, WA; Sanders; Lincoln, MT; Shoshone; Nez Perce; Lewis; Latah; Kootenai; Idaho; Clearwater; Boundary; Bonner; Benewah, ID; at 4:52 PM on DEC 3, 2024 Effective until 7:52 PM. Message from WOLF/IP. This is a test of the Emergency Alert System of the Inland Northwest area. In the event of an actual emergency, broadcasters would be bringing you important public safety information. 
Additional alert information
Originator FIPS Codes Start Time End Time Severity
CIV 053075, 053065, 053063, 053051, 053043, 053023, 053019, 053013, 053003, 053001, 030089, 030053, 016079, 016069, 016061, 016057, 016055, 016049, 016035, 016021, 016017, 016009 12/3/2024 10:52:00 PM (UTC)
3 months ago
12/4/2024 1:52:00 AM (UTC)
3 months ago